
KeyScouts Blog

Facebook's Declining Organic Reach

The bad news: Facebook’s declining organic reach. The good news: You can do something about it.

5 Tools We Couldn't Do Without

Working at KeyScouts means waking up for a Skype call to a client in Kenya and ending the day updating Basecamp with a project manager in Costa Rica. With[...]

Secret Shortcut - Prepare a Links Disavow List in One Hour

How many SEO people woke up one morning to discover that a multitude of red down-pointing arrows has taken over the keywords ranking charts? How many[...]

Google Has Gone Nuts

Check out this nice inforgraphgic that captures the recent algorithm changes by Google and their real impact on spammy websites. Do you think Google[...]

How to Market Your Business Online

2012 was a turning point for the SEO industry as Google unleashed several devastating algorithm updates that shook the ground underneath most websites.[...]

SMX West 2013 - Is The King Naked?

I just got back from the conference hall, and I have to say,  I was highly disappointed!

Facebook Graph Search - A Google Killer?

People like dramatic news. Have you noticed that every time something new comes along there will always be "analysts" out there that would be quick to[...]

22 Must-Have WordPress Plugins

WordPress is an open source Content Management System and probably the most popular blogging platform today, with one of six websites using it. It's[...]

Link Building in 2013: Risks vs. Rewards

I read a really great article today on Search Engine Watch by Chuck Price about link building in 2013. In his article, Chuck talks about risks vs. rewards[...]

What's to Kung Fu Panda and SEO?

Summer vacation is over (thank god!) and we can all finally get back to work without having to worry about how to entertain our kids so they don't drive[...]

How to Find Relevant Blogs to Post Comments On?

Finding relevant blogs to promote your website may be a surprisingly difficult task.

Here are 5 tips that can make your life easier:

How to Get Other People to Create Your Videos For You!

Surely you've heard of sites like YouTube by now and the power of videos when it comes to Social Marketing. If you want to discover a powerful social[...]
