
KeyScouts Blog

Off Site SEO Tips from Experts

We already established in a previous post how important is to implement high quality on-site SEO techniques, and we received some amazing advice from[...]

How to Build a Thriving Social Community in 30 Days – Part 2

In our previous blog post, we discussed basic social media skills and how to establish an online presence in your selected social networks. Now, it is[...]

KeyScouts August Roundup

August has been a uniquely busy month in regards to SEO. Daily updates from Google, interesting reading material, and nothing remotely close to a summer[...]

Marketing Attribution Represents the Future of Actionable Marketing

Enterprises that are serious about measuring the effect of their marketing initiatives are turning to marketing attribution. According to Forbes, the[...]

On-site SEO Advice from 10 Experts

Google is constantly updating algorithms. In fact, according to Moz, Google updates their algorithms around 500-600 times per year. Online businesses are[...]

KeyScouts July Roundup

We are happy to share with our readers the recent collection of news, information, and advice about marketing and SEO that we use internally to better[...]

100 Online Marketing Influencers You’re Not Following . . . and a Bonus

The online marketing world grows and changes so rapidly that the best way to stay in the know is not to read a book or even attend a conference; the best[...]

How to Select the Right Images for Blog Posts

Hey Bill Gates, sorry to burst your bubble, but content is not king. It may have taken nearly 20 years for us to realize it; but since you uttered that[...]

How to Beat the Competition Online in 5 Simple Ways

Most online businesses do not have the luxury of owning their vertical.

Unless you patented the Chia Pet or work for Google, chances are you have[...]

3 Ways to Rank Higher on Google SERPs

In the real estate of the internet, being listed higher on Google’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is like that million dollar beach house you have[...]

Innovative Sites for Promoting Your Startup

Startups are hubs of innovation, incubators of creativity; home to dedicated souls with spunk, commitment, and initiative. Though your startup may one day[...]

7 Advantages of Remote Work

Though working remotely does not typically involve a white-sand beach, solar-powered laptop, and bottomless piña coladas, it certainly has its benefits.[...]
