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Does your company needs to find a lead generation solution that delivers results for the long-term? My guess is that the answer is probably ‘yes’ - all businesses need to generate leads on a consistent basis in order to grow and thrive. So, how can you begin to tackle this task? 

The longest journey begins by taking the first step, and your first step is to do your research to see what types of solutions and providers are out there.

Of course, you should look for a solution that can help you generate more B2B leads, but what you really need is a partner that will continuously help you to drive quality B2B leads far into the future.

Here are four steps that can help you find the lead generation solution partner that is best for your business and who will deliver long-lasting results:

Step 1 - Do your Research

This is the first and most important step on your journey towards finding a partner to help you generate more B2B leads.

As you do your research, you need to be able to read between the lines. Everyone likes the idea of being serviced by a big-name agency, but a successful agency is a paradox. The more clients they sign, the less attention they can give each one. Would you rather be just another client at a big agency, or would you like to be the center of attention at a smaller one?

You should also keep in mind that many companies work harder on trying to win your business than they do when it comes to doing the actual work for you. Keep an eye out and steer clear of companies like that. As you read, take their claims and hyperbole with a grain of salt. No one is going to admit their shortcomings, so you need to be vigilant to spot them.

How can you look beyond the marketing spin and rhetoric and find out which service provider will actually benefit you?

One way to do this is by reading online reviews and testimonials. Reading testimonials from real people providing genuine feedback is far more convincing and valuable than website marketing  copy.


You should also look up articles and reviews written by impartial third-parties.

Step 2 – Read, read, read

You can tell a lot about a company from their website. Take a good hard look at each solution provider’s website and read everything on it.  

For instance, if you are searching for a company that offers online marketing services, check if they have a blog. If so, when did they last publish a post? What is the quality of their blog posts? (And if not, then do not contact them for their services.)

Is their website fresh and modern, or does it look like it hasn’t been touched since the days of Ask Jeeves and Netscape?  

Sign up for content offers from each one of the potential providers you are looking into, and learn more about what they can offer you.

Step 3 - Sign up for a free demo or consultation

Take the solutions for a test drive and see what they are like, for yourself. You shouldn’t go into anything blindly. Ask their sales representatives tricky questions, and don’t just let them sell you via slick PowerPoint presentations.

It’s important for you to make an informed, evaluated assessment in order to allow you to determine which provider is the right one for you.

For instance, KeyScouts has an SEO Positions Report for any prospective client. Everyone is free to request this and gain some insights into how they are performing and to learn about how KeyScouts works and what we can offer our clients.

During a free consultation with any solution provider, you should be prepared with a list of questions to ask the sales representative. Such questions include:

  • Exactly what services will we be receiving?
  • How will you improve my rankings?
  • What kind of goals or performance measurements will your work have?
  • How will you measure the success of the campaign both in a short-term and long-term context?
  • What sort of communication will we have during the campaign?
  • What is the fee structure?
  • Why are you different from your competitors?
  • Can I speak to some of your clients?

If the answer to this last question is ‘no’, then that is a red flag and you should strongly reconsider working with this company. If the answer is ‘yes’, these are some of the questions you should ask their referrals:

  • What kind of work was done for you?
  • What impact did it have?
  • What are their strengths?
  • What is their weakest point?
  • Are you happy with your decision to hire them?

Additionally, you can do a quick search in Google and perform your own analysis to gauge the results of the provider’s work based on their client’s site. If you can see that performance improved under the tenure of the service provider, then that is a good indication that your company will also experience positive results.

Step 4 - Make a list of pros and cons

Every company has their strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important for you to understand this about each solution provider that you are considering. Determine which services are the most important for your business to receive, and make a list of the different solution providers and their services to see how they stack up against each other. You need to align yourself with a company that is going to look after you and provide you with the services you need to get the results you desire.

Don’t make the choice purely on price. It’s perfectly reasonable (and many times, smarter) to pay more money when you are receiving a high-value service in return.

If you are interested in seeing what KeyScouts can do for your business and gleaning some fascinating insights about your online performance, sign up for a free SEO Position Report.

SEO Positions Report Request

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help!


Key Scouts, Recommended

About Tomer Harel

Tomer Harel is the founder and CEO of KeyScouts. With over two decades of experience in Internet marketing, he’s had the privilege of helping hundreds of businesses grow and thrive online. Known for his strategic thinking and forward-looking approach, Tomer leverages his deep understanding of the digital landscape to develop tailored strategies that drive sustainable growth for his clients, making him a trusted authority in the field of SEO and digital marketing.

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