
If you're looking to create a successful funnel marketing strategy, you'll need to focus on creating a cohesive experience for your customers. By carefully mapping out your sales process and designing a user-friendly interface, you can ensure that potential buyers have a positive experience that leads them further down the funnel. 

What is Funnel Marketing?

Funnel marketing is an essential part of digital marketing for tech companies that helps develop relationships with new customers and nurture existing ones. It’s a customer-focused approach to marketing that takes potential buyers on a journey from awareness to purchase, by targeting each stage of the buying cycle separately. 

The 4 Stages of Funnel Marketing

Funnel marketing typically involves four stages based on the AIDA model: Awareness Interest, Decision, and Action.

Awareness - At the awareness stage, potential customers may become aware of the product or service being marketed through various methods such as online ads, social media posts, and other forms of advertising. 

Interest - The interest stage involves building on the initial awareness generated in the first step by providing more detailed information about the product or service being offered. Here, marketers should focus on providing clear and concise messaging that stands out from the competition. 

Decision  - The decision stage is where potential customers decide if they are ready to purchase or not. At this point, it's important for marketers to address any remaining doubts people may have about making the purchase by answering questions and providing additional information as needed. 

Action - The action stage marks when potential customers finally commit to buying your product or service. It's important to ensure here that there are no obstacles in the way of them actually going through with the purchase, such as unanswered questions or confusion regarding payment options.

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AIDA-Model-1-400x425Courtesy of Sitetuners

What You Need to Know Before You Start

An effective funnel marketing strategy starts with an understanding of customer personas and sales funnels. 

A customer persona is a semi-fictional representation of the ideal customer for your product or service. It should include demographic information such as age, gender, occupation, and income level, as well as psychographic information such as interests, values, and beliefs. 

After we have determined who our customer personas are, we need to define the sales funnel that will take potential customers from their first awareness of your product or service all the way through procurement.

A sales funnel allows you to track and visualize a customer's movement through these stages of interest. Each stage requires different marketing tactics tailored to meet the needs of each type of customer persona at each stage of the buying process.

How Is Technology Related to Funnel Marketing? 

Technology is a valuable tool that can be used to identify users, assign them to a particular stage in the funnel, and send out automated messages at the right time. 

In order to identify customers, businesses can use technology such as web tracking and analytics tools. These tools allow businesses to track visitors on their website, determine where they came from and what content they responded to. 
Once these technologies have identified a customer, they can be assigned a particular stage in the funnel using marketing automation software. This software enables marketers to automate key tasks such as sending emails or making offers based on user behavior. 

Finally, technology also plays a role in outbound marketing. Automated emails are often used to deliver the right message at the right time, and businesses can use analytics tools to track the success of their campaigns. 

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tools for implementing a funnel marketing strategy

Yes, there are many packages out there that are based on funnel marketing. Some of the leading CRM platforms such as HubSpot have marketing automation features integrated into their solution, while others such as Salesforce have included funnel marketing in a comprehensive set of digital marketing tools. Outside of these enterprise solutions, we’ve shortlisted a few leading applications that can transform your funnel marketing strategy into a growth engine for your business:

PlusThis - A toolkit for marketing automation based on funnel marketing strategies. The 'Sales Funnel Automator' functionality takes prospects through the entire customer journey from registration for downloading a white paper, through invitations to webinars to special offers to close deals.

Hotjar - Is a site analytics platform providing insights and analysis of your website visitors using a number of interesting methods such as surveys, visitor feedback, web interaction recordings and more advanced visualization tools such as heatmaps. Playing back user sessions is a great way to understand why potential buyers are dropping off and improve conversion rates. - This tool is heavily based on funnel marketing with an emphasis on eCommerce. It covers all the basis by offering landing pages, email marketing and blog post all in one simple integrated solution.  The integration of these features into a single platform can be an advantage over having to integrate disparate web, email and blogging solutions.

ClickFunnels -  An online tool for building high-converting websites and sales funnels. An all-in-one service for marketing teams looking for a single platform that can provide website building, lead generation, email marketing, online courses, increasing brand awareness and more - all based on sales funnels. 

the Structure Of A Funnel Marketing Strategy Doc

The structure of a funnel marketing strategy document can be broken down into five stages, each with its own associated channels. 

The first stage is Problem/Need Recognition (TOFU), where potential customers are made aware of their needs through various channels such as organic search, social media ads and content marketing.

The second stage is Information Search (MOFU). At this point, it’s necessary to provide helpful resources that help your customers make a decision. 

The third stage is Evaluation of Alternatives (MOFU). At this point in the funnel, customers are weighing their options and figuring out which solution will best meet their needs. 

Stage four is Purchase Decision (BOFU). Now that the customer has completed their research process, it’s time to seal the deal by providing incentives such as discounts or free trials to encourage them to take action. 

Lastly, there’s Post-Purchase Behavior. After the purchase has been made, it’s important to continue nurturing the customer relationship through follow-up emails, surveys and other types of feedback.

Sales Funnel Content
Courtesy of encharge

Some Examples of Funnel Market Strategies

When it comes to funnel marketing strategies, there are many different ways in which you can approach it. Below are some examples of how businesses use funnel marketing to increase engagement and drive sales: 

  • Personalized Videos & Content: Using personalized videos or content on your website or landing pages can be a great way to capture attention and engage leads. 

  • Targeted Ads: You can use targeted ads to reach relevant audiences who are likely to purchase your product or service. 

  • Multi-Step Nurturing: Multi-step nurturing is one of the most effective funnel marketing strategies out there. It involves using email campaigns, automated webinars, blog posts, social media promotion, and other tactics to nurture leads over time.

  • Automated Follow-Ups: Automated follow-ups can be set up to deliver emails or other messages at predetermined points in the sales cycle.

How Does It Look When It Is Ready?

A successful funnel marketing strategy will look like a well-oiled machine, with efficient processes, automated responses and customer touches that create a seamless experience. A successful funnel marketing strategy will include the following components: 
  • Identifying Your Audience
  • Optimizing Your Funnel 
  • Utilizing Automation Tools
  • Measuring Results

How Does It Relate to SEO Strategy?

Funnel marketing and SEO strategy are two sides of the same coin. They both play an important role in helping businesses reach their goals, but they can be used together to create a powerful combination that will drive results. 

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SEO strategy is all about crafting content that will rank high in SERPs as well as optimizing certain elements of a website like title tags and meta descriptions for higher rankings. When used together, funnel marketing and SEO strategy can be very effective for achieving business objectives such as increased lead generation or sales. 

KPIs, Measurements, and Criteria For Success

When it comes to KPIs for funnel marketing campaigns, some common ones include the following: 

  • Conversion rate
  • Cost per acquisition
  • Customer lifetime value
  • Customer retention rate

These are just some of the most important KPIs for measuring funnel marketing success. Other KPIs may include website traffic, open and click rates for emails, cost per click, and more. 

In addition to these metrics, there are also various measurements and criteria you can use to determine whether your funnel marketing campaigns are successful or not. For example, you’ll want to track how users are progressing through each stage of the funnel, as well as look at user feedback in order to see what can be improved upon in future campaigns. 


Funnel marketing strategies are a great way to increase your sales and reach new audiences. By creating targeted funnel campaigns, you can accurately measure what messages resonate with customers and use that knowledge to optimize future campaigns. Funnel marketing involves understanding the customer journey, developing effective messaging, optimizing each step of the customer’s journey and tracking the success of each campaign. 

Even the most experienced digital marketing professionals can be daunted by creating and implementing an effective Funnel Marketing Strategy. That's why it makes sense to contact KeyScouts today and get a free Funnel Marketing Strategy consultation today.




Analytics, SEO, Content Marketing

About Tomer Harel

Tomer Harel is the founder and CEO of KeyScouts. With over two decades of experience in Internet marketing, he’s had the privilege of helping hundreds of businesses grow and thrive online. Known for his strategic thinking and forward-looking approach, Tomer leverages his deep understanding of the digital landscape to develop tailored strategies that drive sustainable growth for his clients, making him a trusted authority in the field of SEO and digital marketing.