
Author Archive for: "Tomer Harel"

KeyScouts Blog

15 Best B2B SEO Tools in 2023 That B2B Marketers Should be Using

SEO is crucial for success in today’s ultra-competitive landscape. It is essential for attracting, engaging, and converting your target audience by[...]

7+ Tools the Pros use for SEO Research & Keyword Selection

 Keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy, but what tools can help you do that

How AI is Changing SEO

New technologies are introduced every day, but few have the impact of ChatGPT, the Open Source AI natural language processing technology

How to Create a B2B SEO Strategy

B2B SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs)[...]

How Companies can Improve their Google Rankings

Companies can use a variety of methods to improve their Google ranking. By optimizing their websites and online presence, they can attract more

Season's Greetings from KeyScouts 2022

On behalf of KeyScouts, we would like to extend our warmest season's greetings to all of our clients, partners, and colleagues. As we come to the end of[...]

Funnel Marketing Strategy

If you're looking to create a successful funnel marketing strategy, you'll need to focus on creating a cohesive experience for your customers. By[...]

Digital Content Strategy

Compelling content isn't something you stumble upon. Between creative demands, channel decisions, and budgetary constraints, digital content strategy is[...]

Creating a Digital Marketing Plan

Digital marketing is a challenging process for most companies, especially tech companies and startups entering the digital arena for the first time. There[...]

Digital Marketing for Tech Companies

Digital marketing has become a vital part of business marketing today. The information technology sector is an extremely competitive industry, spanning a[...]

The Strength of Customer Testimonials

Sustainable growth is the holy grail for any successful business. That means consistently delivering for your customers whether they acknowledge it or[...]

5 Gamification Techniques that Work for B2B Marketing

Play is fun, entertaining, exciting, and informative, which explains why games are mainstream and all around us. Play is natural for human beings, be it[...]
