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How Voice Search is Changing SEO in 2023 | KeyScouts

Written by Tomer Harel | October 04, 2023

Voice search technology has been one of the most transformative trends in recent years. It helps to stay ahead of the curve, essential for businesses looking to maintain their online presence and effectively reach their target audience. 

From the advent of voice assistants like Siri and Alexa to the integration of voice-activated devices into our daily lives, voice search has become a game-changer. Read on to explore how voice assistants are reshaping SEO and understand the evolution of voice search, its underlying technology, and its profound impact on search engine optimization strategies.

With voice-activated technology becoming increasingly prevalent, it's crucial to understand how voice search is changing SEO. With voice-activated technology becoming increasingly prevalent, optimizing for conversational queries and understanding user intent has become paramount in search engine optimization. Especially since more than 50% of adults have embraced voice search as a daily tool for accessing information and services.

Based on Statista, the adoption of digital voice assistants has steadily increased. It was estimated that around 3.25 billion digital assistants were in use in 2019. This number was projected to nearly double between 2020 and 2024, reaching a staggering 8.4 billion units by 2024. As connected devices continue to increase and the demand for practicality grows, the voice recognition technology landscape is poised for further expansion in the years to come.

The Statista above’s study shows that:

  • Google Assistant excelled in answering navigation-related questions, with a remarkable 98% accuracy rate.
  • Apple Siri demonstrated impressive accuracy in executing commands, with 93% accuracy.
  • Google Assistant performed strongly in handling complex questions, correctly answering over 70%.

How Voice Search Is Changing SEO

Voice search has come a long way since its inception. Initially, voice recognition systems struggled with accuracy and understanding human language. However, natural language processing (NLP) advancements have greatly improved voice search systems' accuracy and efficiency.

How Voice Search Works

The voice search process involves a seamless blend of speech recognition and NLP. When you issue a voice command, your device's microphone captures your speech and converts it into text using speech recognition algorithms. Then, NLP comes into play, dissecting the text to understand your intent and context. Finally, it retrieves the most relevant information or performs the requested action, delivering results in seconds.


Today, voice search is powered by sophisticated algorithms that can understand context, dialects, and nuances in speech. Principal voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant leverage these algorithms to provide seamless voice-driven experiences. They can process complex voice commands, answer questions, and even engage in natural conversations with users.

The Current State of Search Engines

Text-based queries have been the norm for years, but winds of change are sweeping through search.

Voice searches have introduced a new dimension, changing how we formulate queries. Unlike text-based searches, which often contain short phrases or keywords, voice queries are typically longer and more conversational.

This shift has forced search engines to adapt and cater to voice search queries. Users now prefer quick, concise answers to their questions. As a result, search engines have introduced featured snippets and position zero, where they directly answer user queries on the search results page, reducing the need for users to click through to websites.

Text-Based Search vs. Voice Search

For years, text-based search dominated as users typed queries using keywords to access information. However, the rise of voice search has transformed the game. Users can now converse with their devices, asking questions verbally and receiving spoken responses, making search more intuitive and accessible. Let’s see how it differentiates from a text-based search. 


 Text-Based Search

 Voice Search

Keyword Reliance

Heavy reliance on specific keywords

Natural language conversation

 Input Method

Typing queries using a keyboard

Speaking queries naturally


Requires typing skills and effort

User-friendly and accessible for all ages

User Interaction

Requires manual input and keywords

Allows for conversational interactions

Communication Style

Limited to text and keywords

Accommodates natural language

Complex Queries

May struggle with complex questions

Handles intricate queries effectively

Language Barriers

Language-dependent, may pose challenges for non-English speakers

More inclusive, supports various languages, accents, and dialects

Location-Based Search

May require additional typing for location-based queries

Effortlessly integrates location-aware searches


Responsive but may involve manual input on smaller screens

Ideal for mobile devices, convenient for on-the-go users

Search Context

Lacks context, often requires refined keyword usage

Understands context and user intent, offers relevant results

Speed and Efficiency

May require multiple refined queries

Quick and direct responses


Typing can be cumbersome during multi-tasking

Allows for hands-free search while multitasking

Device Integration

Primarily desktop and mobile devices

Integrated with various IoT and smart devices

As you can see, text-based searching has its limits. When we type queries, we're restricted to keywords and phrases, which can lead to misunderstandings, like trying to explain complex ideas in short messages. This can be frustrating when search engines don't get what we mean. 

Voice search is more inclusive and user-friendly, making it a friendly chat with your device rather than sending coded messages.

Emerging Trends in Search Behavior

As we ride the wave of technological advancements, search behavior is undergoing a metamorphosis influenced by voice search and its impact on SEO. Users are no longer limited to succinct keyword queries; they can now pose intricate questions and engage in natural language conversations. Voice search, emphasizing understanding context and intent, fosters more human-like interactions with technology.

Moreover, the growing importance of mobile devices has ushered in location-based searches. Users on the move can effortlessly ask for directions, find nearby restaurants, or discover points of interest—all through voice commands. This trend has significant implications for local businesses striving to connect with their audience in real time.

As the limitations of text-based queries become more apparent, voice search and its influence on SEO emerge as a promising avenue for more intuitive, inclusive, and context-aware search experiences. The future of search is unfolding before our ears, and it promises to be a harmonious symphony of human-machine interaction.

The Impact of Voice Search on SEO Strategies

The rise of voice search has profoundly impacted SEO strategies. Keyword research and optimization, fundamental to traditional SEO, have undergone significant changes in the context of voice search. Here's how it's influenced SEO:

1. Voice Search Queries Differ from Text-Based Queries

Voice queries tend to be more specific, conversational, and question-oriented. Users ask complete questions rather than entering a string of keywords. This shift requires SEO professionals to adapt their strategies accordingly.

2. The Importance of Long-Tail Keywords and Conversational Phrases

Long-tail keywords and conversational phrases are now pivotal to SEO success in the voice search landscape. Websites that optimize their content to match these queries have a better chance of appearing in voice search results.

3. The Rise of Featured Snippets and Position Zero

Voice search often returns results in the form of featured snippets, which are concise, direct answers to user questions. Websites that provide clear, accurate answers to common questions can secure a coveted spot in position zero and increase their visibility in voice search results.

Optimizing for Voice Search

To harness the power of voice search, businesses and marketers must adapt their SEO strategies. Here are some essential steps to optimize for voice search:

Key Optimization Areas for Voice Search

Action Required
1. Adapt Keyword Strategies
  • Focus on long-tail keywords and conversational phrases
  • Align with how users formulate voice queries
  • Compare traditional keyword strategies with voice search-friendly ones.
2. Embrace Local SEO
  • Optimize for local search for location-based voice queries
  • Ensure accurate and consistent business listings
  • Utilize local keywords and location-based content
3. Create Content That Answers User Questions Directly
  • Develop content addressing user queries conversationally
  • Use formats like FAQs and how-to guides for voice search optimization
  • Compare traditional content with voice search-optimized content
4. Build Authority
  • Establish website authority and trustworthiness
  • Focus on high-quality, informative content
  • Incorporate backlinks and user reviews into your strategy
5. User-Friendly Website Design
  • Ensure mobile-friendly and responsive web design
  • Prioritize a seamless user experience, especially for mobile users
6. Results Tracking
  • Implement tracking tools and methods for voice search performance
  • Monitor metrics like voice search rankings and click-through rates
  • Analyze featured snippets for optimization opportunities
7. Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Optimize website content to encourage voice search conversions
  • Include clear calls to action and engage users effectively

What It Means for Businesses and Marketers

The rise of voice search demands a strategic shift for businesses and marketers alike. Here’s a list of things to implement to stay ahead of the competition and secure your spot in voice search rankings. 

Adapting Websites for Voice-First Indexing

  • Optimize websites for voice-first indexing
  • Ensure visibility in voice search results
  • Implement structured data markup to help search engines understand your content better
  • Optimize the website's loading speed

Seizing the Opportunities for Voice-Enabled Advertising

  • Explore voice-enabled advertising options
  • Engage users through voice assistants
  • Consider developing voice applications

Prioritizing Mobile-Friendly Design

  • Prioritize mobile-friendly, responsive web design
  • Implement touch-friendly elements, such as buttons and navigation menus
  • Ensure that voice commands can easily activate features or retrieve information
  • Improve load times by compressing images, minimizing HTTP requests, and utilizing browser caching

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

While the benefits of voice search are evident, it also raises concerns and ethical considerations:

  1. Privacy Concerns with Voice Search: Voice search requires collecting and storing voice data, leading to privacy concerns. Users may worry about handling, storing, and potentially using voice data.
  2. Potential Biases in Voice Recognition Algorithms: Voice recognition algorithms may exhibit biases affecting certain user groups. Addressing these biases and ensuring fair treatment in voice recognition technology is an ongoing challenge.
  3. The Need for Transparent Handling of Voice Data: Businesses and technology companies must adopt transparent practices in handling voice data to build trust with users and address privacy concerns.

The Evolution of Voice Search

The future of voice search holds significant promise, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and its role in voice recognition technology. What began as a convenience has evolved into a transformative force, reshaping how we interact with our devices and access information.

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Recent advancements in AI technologies, particularly in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, have bolstered the accuracy and comprehension of voice assistants.

AI will continue to improve voice recognition accuracy, enabling voice assistants to understand complex queries, dialects, and context even better. Users will no longer need to issue rigid, specific commands; they can speak naturally, and their virtual assistant will understand and respond appropriately. 

Integration with the Internet of Things (IoT)

Voice search seamlessly integrates with IoT devices, offering users personalized experiences in their smart homes and beyond. It’s set to become the universal interface for controlling and accessing IoT devices. Imagine effortlessly adjusting your thermostat, dimming the lights, or even checking the contents of your refrigerator—all with a simple voice command.

This integration with IoT devices will not only enhance convenience but also improve efficiency and productivity. It will enable users to manage their surroundings seamlessly, creating a more connected and responsive environment.

Personalized Voice Search Experiences

Users can expect voice search experiences to become increasingly personalized, with voice assistants learning user preferences and habits. This level of personalization will enable voice search to provide tailored responses, recommendations, and services.

For instance, your virtual assistant will remember your favorite restaurants and suggest reservations when you mention dining out. It will curate news updates based on your interests and deliver them in your preferred tone. Personalization will extend to every facet of your digital life, creating a more intuitive and enjoyable experience.

The Rise Of Voice Search And Its Effects On SEO: The Future Of Digital Marketing

Voice search has emerged as a transformative force in the SEO world, changing how we approach search behavior, keyword strategies, and content creation. Its influence cannot be underestimated. Businesses and marketers must embrace these changes, adapt their SEO strategies, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape. 

How voice search is changing SEO is a critical consideration for those who aim to thrive in this new era. Voice search is not merely a passing trend; it’s here to stay, and its impact on SEO will grow significantly. As users continue to rely on voice-activated technology, those who prioritize voice search optimization will enjoy a competitive advantage in the digital marketplace. 

As the limitations of text-based queries become more apparent, voice search emerges as a promising avenue for more intuitive, inclusive, and context-aware search experiences. The future of search is unfolding before our ears, and it promises to be a harmonious symphony of human-machine interaction.