KeyScouts Blog

7 Advantages of Remote Work

Written by Lital Barkan | July 21, 2016

Though working remotely does not typically involve a white-sand beach, solar-powered laptop, and bottomless piña coladas, it certainly has its benefits. Whether you call it remote work, telecommuting, flex work, or working from home, its benefits are many.

We at KeyScouts all work remotely and are able to achieve great results in doing so. Everyone involved wins when remote work is set up properly: the employee, the employers, the clients, even Mother Nature.

  1. Productivity Soars: It has been that employees are 20% more productive when they work remotely on creative tasks. One reason is that remote workers have fewer distractions as the phone calls, meetings, colleagues, and noise of the traditional office disappear. Working remotely enables them to focus on the tasks assigned without wasting time on interruptions. Their productivity translates into higher quality and greater quantity of work. Jack Nilles, the father of telecommuting, has said that telecommuters “tend to be better organized and focused than their in-office colleagues. They are more loyal to their employers, take fewer sick leaves and are less stressed. That has been proven repeatedly over the years. They are not slackers or goof-offs.” Our CEO, Tomer Harel, says that “we can deliver better results at a lower cost to our clients as a result of remote work by talented people all over the world who can focus on the task at hand rather than wasting time in traffic or in monotonous office meetings.”
  1. Dedication is Intensified: 53% of remote workers invest more than 40 hours per week when working from home (compared to 28% of those who work from the office). The type of people who work remotely are typically highly motivated and skilled. They are trustworthy and do not need to be micromanaged and monitored constantly. By allowing workers to telecommute, companies show their trust and confidence. Employees’ deadlines and deliverables speak volumes. When employees are trusted and treated with respect; they act respectfully and prove their trustworthiness.
  1. Employee Satisfaction: Studies show that 79% of employees would prefer to work from home (at least part of the time) if their companies allowed it. (Source:  WorldatWork Telework Trendlines 2009). 87% of federal employees say they want to. (Source: 2013 Federal Viewpoint Survey). In fact, 36% of workers would prefer an option to work remotely over a pay raise. And it is no wonder. Employees who work from home report less stress, greater productivity, more time with family, increased flexibility, and a general feeling of freedom and control. By increasing employee’s satisfaction, companies can better recruit and retain top-quality staff. Ikey Greene, KeyScouts Project Manager Extraordinaire says, “I was able to relocate based on what is right for my family. My job comes with me everywhere I go and that is a great benefit.”
  1. Cost Savings: Many expenses are spared when telecommuting. Remote workers report savings on transportation, formal wardrobe, fast food, and child care; while employers save on office overhead costs. The cost savings can translate into lower prices for clients and/or greater profits for the company.
  1. Time Savings: Hours spent commuting and socializing with colleagues are saved when working remotely. These hours can either be invested into more work (see #2, “Dedication is Intensified”) or can be invested as family time for the employee (see #3, “Employee Satisfaction”).  Check out these free timesheet templates, and see how much time you can save. 
  1. Environmental sustainability: Remote work saves gas from employees’ long commutes in peak hours. It also reduces corporate carbon footprints as cooling an office produces far more emissions than cooling a small work area in the home. By promoting corporate sustainability goals, companies may qualify for rebates and incentives as well as the PR benefit of being an environmentally conscious company. 
  1. Healthier employees and fewer sick days: Those working from home can often work through illnesses which may have kept them home from the office; other employees benefit by not getting infected from contagious viruses and bacteria. 

Remote Work Benefits for All

Honestly, for all of our KeyScouts remote workers, though daily life may not be the picture of white beach serenity, it is still advantageous over the traditional office. Employees see the benefits of reduced costs, improved quality of life, and increased productivity and creativity. Employers benefit from reduced costs, greater dedication and loyalty, and employee retention. And end-users and clients benefit from both the increased quality of work and the reduced prices.

For us and for our clients, working “outside the box” of the traditional office is definitely a win-win.