KeyScouts Blog

7 Productivity Tools for Marketing Executives to Get More Done in Less Time

Written by Joanna Wayburn | May 11, 2017

As a marketing executive, you have to manage your time and energy to get more done in less time.  One way to make sure you get the most of every minute is to utilize productivity tools and apps to automate tasks that are otherwise repetitive and time consuming. When you automate routine tasks, you can channel your creativity into more meaningful work.

Here are 7 productivity tools to help you with your marketing executive responsibilities.

1. Finish

Finish is the app you need to help you complete your tasks on time.

In this mobile app, your tasks are categorized depending on the length of time needed for its completion; short, middle and long term. A new task is automatically classified based on the due date. As the entry approaches the due date, it slides to the next group. You will be notified at three intervals that you set, so you won’t end up cramming when you have little time left before your deadline.

It has a focus feature so you can concentrate on one task without getting overwhelmed by the length of the list. When you set the focus mode of the app, you will only see the priority item in each group.

2. HubSpot

As the company that coined the term “Inbound Marketing”, it’s only right for them to come up with a marketing software to help marketers automate their otherwise cumbersome tasks. The HubSpot software is an all-in-one marketing tool that allows you to create workflows using a visual and simple interface.

Marketing automation will let you win more deals using data-driven strategies. HubSpot’s marketing software lets you set up powerful and integrated campaigns that can help you generate quality leads and guide them further down the marketing and sales funnel.

3. Focus Booster

Distraction is a big productivity killer. If you want to get things done efficiently, you have to focus on one task at a time. Focus Booster  will allow you to concentrate on your work without getting distracted.

Focus booster utilizes the Pomodoro technique, a productivity hack created by Francesco Cirillo. But instead of manually timing yourself, the app will do it for you. Aside from the Pomodoro timer, it also has other features like work cycle dashboards, so you can analyze how you spend your workday and determine how to better plan your tasks. You can use the data shown on the dashboard to maximize your energy peaks and get more done in less time.

What’s great about the Focus Booster, is that you can use it online or download the app on your PC or Mac.


As a marketing executive, you need to manage numerous accounts, from your email and calendar to your social media and blog pages. IFTTT is a software integration application that is founded on the concept “IF This, Then That.” For instance, you can set up your IFTTT platform to send you an email if your brand is mentioned on Reddit, or post a status on Facebook when you publish a new blog post.

This automation tool allows you to connect your favorite apps together so you don’t have to manage each account one by one. The synced programs are called “applets”; there are 21 available applets that you can build and even embed in your website.

Furthermore, you can gain more insight about how your product or service fits into your potential customer’s lives through the applets you’ve built. This in-depth analytics can help you improve your product, nurture relationships, and create effective marketing campaigns.

5. workflow

Workflow allows you to create a personalized workflow with quick shortcuts, so you don’t need to manage multiple apps. Simplify your to-do list by combining numerous tasks into a single button that can be completed with just one tap of your finger.

Workflow can automate a wide variety of tasks, from getting directions to the next meeting on your calendar to generating marketing reports. Designed to be used with Apple devices, this powerful app will enable you to maximize the use of your iPhone, iPad, or Apple watch for your daily marketing tasks.

6. Accompany

There are times when you’re rushing to a client meeting, and then you realize that you need to do some research about them first. But, you’re pressed for time. Accompany will do the meeting preparations for you and send the information to your email. Now, you merely need a few minutes to read the detailed report about your client.

Accompany provides you with complete background information including personal data, company’s financial status, and social media posts of the person you need to meet. You can schedule the time for the message to arrive in your inbox.

7. UberConference

The world of work has gone digital, and team conferences and client meetings no longer need to be done face-to-face all the time. This is why marketers need a reliable and powerful conferencing software that eliminates noisy backgrounds, enables screen sharing, and more importantly, provides information about the people on the other side of the call.

UberConference boasts of a remarkably easy and rich user interface, so you don’t have to waste time with choppy voices and freezing cameras. Get right on to the “meat” of your discussion and have a better meeting with a dependable and innovative web conference call software.

UberConference is also available for iPhone and Android mobile devices so you can join the meeting from wherever you are.

Wrapping Up

As a marketing executive, there are days when it seems as though you have a never-ending list of things to do.  Thankfully, there are innovative productivity tools and automation software that can help you get more done in less time.

Maximize your energy by delegating repetitive and mundane tasks to machines. Productivity apps and automation tools is not a one-size-fits-all concept, and using numerous tools can be tedious as well. Try these tools, and see which one suits your specific needs.

Want to scale your marketing operations even more?  Contact KeyScouts today and learn how to take your marketing operations to the next level.